Vereinigung Maschinenkarton (Association for Machine-Made Paperboard (VMK)), a member of the German Pulp and Paper Association (Verband Deutscher Papierfabriken (VDP)), has joined the SAVE FOOD initiative to bring to bear its packaging expertise as a contribution toward the goals of SAVE FOOD. The VMK Association pools the interests of machine-made board and folding boxboard manufacturers. It currently comprises a membership of 16 companies which represent a total annual board production of over two million tons.
Joining forces with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), SAVE FOOD aims at drafting proposals for ways and means how the tremendous losses of foodstuffs on their way from producer to consumer may be counteracted. The initiative is targeted to fight hunger in the world and to avoid the waste of resources caused by food losses. In this context SAVE FOOD clearly communicates that appropriate packaging may decisively help to reach this objective provided packages are suitably matched to both the product and the local circumstances of the distribution chain.
Paper and board as today's dominant packaging materials play a key role whether used in developed consumer markets or in developing countries. These materials provide versatile applications whilst – being based on wood as a renewable resource – being ideally suited to recycling. Owing to their exemplary sustainability, paper and board enjoy high popularity among consumers and – depending on their intended use - may be examples of packaging solutions on less developed markets as well.