As Save Food’s first official media partner, Packaging World is privileged to support the Save Food initiative. As part of our agreement with Save Food, Packaging World will help with the process of raising awareness of and seeking solutions to prevent global food losses.
Statement from Joe Angel, Vice President/Publisher of Packaging World
"As Save Food’s first official media partner, Packaging World is privileged to support the Save Food initiative. The packaging industry is known for innovation and many quality suppliers are working hand-in-hand with CPG's to make packaging more efficient and reduce food waste. As part of our agreement with Save Food, Packaging World will help with the process of raising awareness of and seeking solutions to prevent global food losses.
The issue of food waste was discussed in a recent PW exclusive interview with Meghan Stasz, the director of Sustainability for the Grocery Manufacturers Institute (GMA). Ms Stasz hit the nail on the head regarding packaging's role: "When we think about sustainability as a whole, we are looking to minimize waste. That’s both packaging waste and food waste. For the most part, we are doing that through innovation. So sustainable packaging that also prevents food waste is really a win all around, and that’s where the two tie in." (for full interview, go to: )
As the leading source of packaging information in the world, Packaging World is committed to humanitarian efforts that serve to better the world. Our job is to communicate, and we will do all we can to support Save Food and encourage advances in packaging innovation to reduce food waste."