After studying business administration and philosophy at CBS (Copenhagen Business School) from 2005 – 2007 Sebastian Dueholm worked for several years in a variety of roles acquiring practical experience in various start-up projects. This was followed by a second attempt to study mechanics at DTU (Technical University Denmark). In 2014 he met his current business partner Kasper Kastoft Nielsen and the first project ideas related to food waste saw the light of day. In 2015 YourLocal was established and since then Sebastian Dueholm has been in charge of concept development and dissemination as a co-founder and partner.
1. What aspect of the food waste problem is particularly key to your mind?
I am convinced if you want to achieve something you cannot just preach to the converted. In particular, you have to talk to quite different people – those who are not actively involved. This way you not only encourage the 10% passionate supporters but also the 90% who are otherwise indifferent to everything. Here I mean private individuals, employees and bosses from all walks of life – when they do not stand to gain economically or socially unfortunately only very few people are prepared to actively get involved in a good cause. We just have to make it attractive for the others to join in.
2. In your opinion what is the best way is to bring about improvements specifically in this field?
In my view effectively combatting food waste is about awareness and networking. With the technological possibilities we now have – with Smartphones and hyper-intelligent logistics solutions – we can quickly and effectively make great changes in the field of networking. Raising people’s awareness is a long process that will be the direct result of widespread networking. In my view this is the pragmatic approach to take.
3. Have you already noticed any positive developments in this field within society?
At YourLocal we network with businesses and locals so they can share food that would otherwise be wasted. Our aim here is to network with everyone so as to change people’s mindsets towards waste and consumption. But it is only because it makes social and, more importantly, economic sense for both businesses and locals that we can engage those who have not been actively involved in this issue before. Luckily, we are not alone in this movement. On the contrary, there are more and more start-ups throughout Europe that value the economic and social gains as a catalyst for a greener environment.
4. What institutional measures would you like to see taken in the future?
Even more support for green start-ups!
5. How do you see the role of the SAVE FOOD Initiative in the fight against food losses and waste?
I think it is important that initiatives like SAVE FOOD actively support and network technological developments and thereby particularly address the masses who are hard to engage. People who collect fallen fruit to make jam already get it. We need to turn to the others who want everything cheaply and easily.