Agriculture and Food Programme Officer in UNEP’s Division for Technology, Industry and Economics (UNEP)
Prior to joining the UN Environmental Programme the trained tropical agriculturalist worked in agriculture, food processing and food exports in Africa and Europe. In Africa James Lomax owned an agricultural business that produced Grade 1 quality vegetables in cooperation with smallholders for export to the European market. He was also active in the field for many years where he organised training sessions, optimised logistics and looked after the introduction and roll-out of sustainability standards. In Southern Europe he served as a Production Manager for a major agricultural company producing lettuce and watercress using both conventional and organic growing methods. At present, James Lomax is responsible for sustainable agricultural and food systems in the field of sustainable consumption and production. A central component of his work is the 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme, which he heads together with the FAO as well as the “Think Eat Save” campaign and other activities in the area of avoiding and reducing food waste.